Friday, June 12, 2009


Our formal night on the cruise..we just went on....Princess was a grand ship and we had a lovely time with lovely people ! Can't wait to go again!!!

The Prince

My Beau..the right picture is after he got his new haircut..from Shirley god now thats a poodle groomer...and with the cone is after he got the "operation"...beau is now not a boy...but look at that him to death

Flowers in My Garden

Just some pictures of my new plants ...will post more..I just got a bird feeder and its been so relaxing to watch all the little critters eat..some morningis it looks like a scene from a Disney movie..quirrel, and at least 3-4 different kinds of birds really very if the sun ever comes out it will be good..the weeds are almost as big as my plants...!!!!