These cupcakes were made for a very special friend...unfortunatly about a month after this wonderful celebration of love and family...her mom passed...she took sick about a week after the party ..and was in the hospital for a month before she passed last week..RIP and god bless all my friends at Cafe Spiga...and the Giordano Family !!!
I have been trying to perfect the ricotta cookie recipe for a while now..they are either to soft, or to hard or too flat or too wet or too dry..but believe it or not last month in I think It was a Family Cirlce or Womans Day magazine I go the recipe and made them and they were pretty good...actually really very good..but I of course had to mess with it..they were a wee bit dry for my taste so I increased the ricotta by a half cup and I think that they came out just about time gonna do something different with the icing..maybe thinner and not as white..more like a glaze..but they were delish anyway...everytime it snows and god knows we have had our share ..I bake and bake..there is nothing more comforting than the snow falling while the fire is burning and the smell of cookies in the oven filling the house...warms the heart and soothes the soul !!!!!
These cookies were made for Amelia's First Birthday....I got the order on a thurs and they were baked and decorated and delivered by friday evening....wowoooo...that was a fast it though kept me busy..and they came out reall good too..
57 Year old woman..who loves,loves, loves to bake..all kinds of cookies and cupcakes and cakes..and is a gourmet cook. Has way too much time on her hands and has no life (not really) has a touch of OCD and is drivin by my passions....I call it baking therapy...calms the nerves and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all give and hopefully get something good back....wishing for some peace and happiness in life..for me and my family...praying that there will be brighter horizons in my future..and has learned that we have no control in life..only our own actions...and life is what we make it...and my mission is to make it only sweeter with all my cookies and cupcakes!